Security Lite

Enterprise Security
For the Family PC

Protect your data, and loved ones, from bad guys online with advanced 24/7 threat protection.

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Traditional Anti-Virus Won't Cut It

Modern solutions are required to meet modern threats. That's why we are bringing big-business PC security to your home for rates you can actually afford.

Tireless Protection

Our Advanced Threat Monitoring and Remediation tools monitor suspicious activity on your PC, day and night, with a  24/7 team of US-based professionals ready to jump on security alerts. No calls or tickets to Firefly needed.

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Family-Friendly Rates

We cover thousands of business' computers with our security and IT services. This drives our security tool costs down to the point we can provide them to you at an affordable rate. Better price = better security for your home.

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Next-Gen Security

Traditional Anti-Virus looks for known names of bad files and programs on your PC. This is easy for bad guys to bypass. Security Lite looks at the behavior of files and programs on your PC to better identify danger and remove it for good.

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Starting at only

$20 a month

Protect your family photos, documents, and identity from hackers. Call us TODAY about Security Lite.

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Go Beyond Consumer-Grade Protection.

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Contact Us

Security Lite services are $20 per device, covered monthly. A setup fee may apply based on number of computers covered.
No contracts or minimums required.

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